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Lissan Primary School, Cookstown
Primary One Pupils will commence school on Thursday 29th August until Friday 6th September 2024 from 9am - 12 noon. From Monday 9th September 2024, primary one pupils will remain in school until 2 pm.
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📕 Book Amnesty 📕

12th Jun 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,

At Lissan Primary School we love to read and we work hard to ensure we have a wide range of books for children to read. Unfortunately, some of the books that have been sent home have not found their way back to school. Most of these books are part of our reading scheme which we use for our guided reading lessons.

We kindly ask that you take a moment to have a look in your homes to see if you can find any of our books; they might be lurking under the bed, behind the sofa, in a safe place etc. We will not be counting how many you return, we will just be happy to have them all back! If your child has a sibling who left Lissan Primary School last year, please also check if they have any school reading books and return them as soon as possible.

Kindest Regards,
Mrs McIntyre