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Lissan Primary School, Cookstown
STAFF TRAINING on Thursday 16th January All pupils must be collected from school at 2 pm sharp.  | P1 Admissions Online Portal for September 2025 opens on Friday 10th January at 12 noon and closes on Friday 24th January 2025 at 12 noon. (see our website for more information)
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Safer Internet Day

8th Feb 2022

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively.

Safer Internet Day 2022 is on 8th February and will be celebrated with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe. In school, the children will have the opportunity to explore the positive impact of technology in their lives, and also to know how to keep themselves safe online.

Wendy (PSNI) visited our school recently and talked to our pupils about the importance of keeping themselves safe when they are using the internet, playing games online or texting their family and friends. The children found Wendy’s visit very interesting, perhaps take time to ask your child what they learnt from Wendy.